Toddler (13 months through 3 years)
Full Time (25 hours and up)        $195.00 per week
Part Time (24 hours and less)     $155.00 per week

Preschool and Pre-K (3 to 5 years)
Full Time (25 hours and up)       $160.00 per week
Part Time (24 hours and less)    $130.00 per week
Pre-K (9am to 12pm)                       $50.00 per week

Before and After School Care
School Year                                       $125.00 per week before and after care
                                                           $85.00 per week before OR after care
Full Day Care                                   $20.00 per day in addition to weekly fee ($60 cap)
Summer Care                                  $185.00 per week (includes field trips)

Enrollment Fee
$50.00 per child
$75.00 per family

10% sibling discount (discounted off oldest child)
One free week tuition per year for full time enrollees

For more information please contact us to schedule your tour and apply.
ELRC (formerly CCIS) and United Way funding is accepted. Clients are responsible to pay any difference between subsidized funds received and tuition amount.